Wednesday, June 10, 2009


For the last 25 years I have been a regular customer at Brownsville's massage parlors. They allowed my last marriage to survive as long as it did and they have succored me once again. The two madames have been good to me, not only physically but financially. I have credit, which comes in handy returning home drunk and penniless and in desperate need of action. They have told me stories about priests and politicians who are regulars requesting anything from pissing on their faces to high heels stomping on their balls. Who owes these gals? I figure this is a mystery I'll solve in a decade or two when I run into them in a bar or a restaurant and they've retired and the statute of limitations has long since passed as far as we're concerned and we'll sit back and I'll hear the whole story about who was being paid off and who was being serviced. As Estanislao and I drive to the parlors that are located on the edge of Brownsville next to an adult video, I have zoned into the realization that I will be having sex within a half hour. Nothing eliminates peripheral thoughts like sex. As Fabiola mentioned several times at the beginning of our relationship, "Once you come, you never come back." I have never come back. Sex, sex, sex like the seconds on a clock. Nobody masturbated with more fervor during childhood than I did. Within a few years I was playing with my sister's pussy and she was stroking my dick. I wasn't much older than ten and I was eating pussy three times a week. "Which one?" asks Estanislao who never eats pussy. He never shakes hands. "Will it be the Cancun Massage Parlor or Nirvana Spa?" I haven't visited the Cancun in a month. It's closer to the road and the video shop than Nirvana. I fear someone will spot me and report the sighting to my wife. But Cancun has variety. I'm not sure if I want sex until I walk into the parlor and seeing a new face I give thanks to Eros that I'm going to touch a strange pussy. I've lost track of the number of visits I've made to Cancun. I've lost track the number of the years the parlor has existed. Twenty-five? There were years when I would visit two and three times a week, two and three times a month a conservative number. "Which one is it going to be?" Estanislao asks again. "I'm not sure." "Bullshit!" "I'm not bullshitting. I haven't decided. I'm going to stare at the stars for a few seconds and then I'm deciding. Maybe I should take advantage of your innocence and allow you to decide for me." "Fuck off! Do you think I'm some kind of a pervert?" Cancun to the left of me, Nirvana to the right. Both massage parlors are non-descript. This isn't Mexico where every club scintillates with neon. Only a florescent "Adult Video Shop" would capture anyone's attention driving along the freeway. I opt for Nirvana. Patty is working the desk. She is tall and in her late thirties. With red hair, bulging eyes and thick lips painted purple, she reminds me of a clown, and to her credit, she knows plenty of tricks. "I have a surprise," she says. "Belinda, come here." Belinda emerges from the darkness of the backroom. When she appears in the light, I'm disappointed. She isn't a keeper. She isn't repulsive, but she hasn't had it easy. By all appearances, she has fought more than her share of rounds confronting life and her looks convey that she has been on her back on more than one occasion. Nevertheless, the fact that she is new blinds me to her deficiencies. The deal has been sealed. I don't look too closely at her face because it hasn't caught my attention, but she can be best described as dark-complected with straight black hair falling to her shoulders. She isn't a monster, but under normal conditions I wouldn't introduce her to my brother who is a wild man in his own right. I'm more intent on studying her body. She is short and thick, but she does have large breasts whose cleavage spills from a cheap silk blouse. A short, black dress exposes her stumpy legs. I have slipped into sex mode and I have no other desire than to see Belinda's tits and have my finger up her cunt while she fondles my cock. "She's fine," I say. I pay Patty $30 for a 30-minute massage. I've walked this hall as many times as I have crossed the bridge on foot. I go to the last room on the left, a dark cubicle with a trainer's table in the middle, a chair on one side and a stand with a CD player, a bottle of alcohol, a bowl of water and a stack of towels spread across its surface. I take off my clothes and place them on the chair. The door opens and Belinda enters. She stands in front of me. "Take off your clothes." She disrobes, her heavy boobs dangling in front of me. I bite her huge, black nipples. "Take off all your clothes." She wiggles out of her skirt and her flabby, swollen stomach hangs over her panty line. "I want you completely nude." "I can't." "Then send me Patty." Belinda grows nervous. She needs the money. "I can't. I'm on my period." I shake my head. I won't be able to consummate this experience unless I can touch her clit. "Do you like my tits?" "I like your tits, but I need to touch your pussy." I reach down and push my hand past her panties to her bare mound. She has shaved her pussy. There isn't a whisker. But it's hot and sticky. "What a fuckin' pig!" I say to myself. "¿Cuanto años tienes?" "Twenty-four." "How many kids do you have?" "Three." "Where are you from?" "Matamoros." "How many days have you been here?" "Two." "Pinch my nipples." My blood is thickening. She is letting me slip to the edge of her clit. She is playing with me with one hand and pinching a nipple with the other. We are standing next to the table. "Did you have all those kids with the same guy?" "Yes." "Do you like to fuck?" "Yes." "The next time I come, we'll fuck?" "Yes." "Would you like me to come in you?" "Yes. Would you like me to suck you?" "Sure." She is a vacuum cleaner. She attacks my boner from a variety of angles. She unleashes a swiveling action that drives me wild. I pull her to her feet and congratulate her. "You can really suck dick!" She nods. "The next time I come we're going to fuck, right?" "Yes." "Suck me some more." She drops to her knees and performs with a feral hunger. I'm pinching her nipples while she ravages my penis. "I'm coming on your face." She is entertaining the hardest dick I've had in years. "I'm going to shoot. Do you want it?" Her eyes glisten. I pull out my cock and ejaculate. I come on her mouth and then shoot for her nose and eyes. "Next time we're going to fuck?" "Sí." I ask her for a towel and alcohol. I clean my dick. I'm thinking about home. I dress, pull out my wallet and lay $50 on the stand. "Adiós," I say.

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